
Re-build your future 

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Re-build your future through education!

Reviving Home and HS.education have joined forces to offer innovative solutions for students in crisis areas who are seeking education opportunities.

(COH) Candles Of Hope!

One training program to be certified by Reviving Home as A offical Trustee.

The vision 

Empowering global communities through innovative education and rehabilitation solutions, especially in areas impacted by wars and disasters.

The Mission 

To empower young people, particularly those affected by war and disaster, by providing quality education, job training, and leadership development, with a focus on rebuilding communities and creating a better future

Program description

Candles of Hope (COH) aims to revive education by providing a state-of-the-art hybrid curriculum including in-person teaching as well as online digital tutoring. We will also use innovative architecture methods to build small schools. The curriculum will be tailored to the needs of each child and meet them wherever they are including living in villages, hard-to-reach places, refugee camps, and on the move.

These children are at risk of getting cut off from any hope of having happy, productive lives in a world that is embracing rapid technological advancement. It is extremely important that we keep students learning in a safe and supportive environment. If an entire generation of students fall behind, it jeopardizes the future by depriving us of future leaders, business owners, innovators, and humanitarians. We envision doing everything possible now to ensure a better future for the children.

During the COVID pandemic, students in the US who attended their classrooms remotely fell behind in math compared to students who were in-person. This is just one small example of how important it is to keep students in class whenever possible. It is well-known that most math learning happens in class. The classroom provides other benefits including socializing with peers, mental health support, one-on-one interactions with teachers, and enhanced ability of teachers to identify and adapt to each student’s individual needs.

Crowdfunding platforms can help us collect the necessary funds from around the globe as well as enable direct support to displaced people. Reviving Home can then connect people with construction experts and provide technology resources, knowledge and supervision to begin the process of reviving education.

Highlights of our plan include:

Recruit local teachers and provide the following training: 1) OPAC Program and 2) certification as Community Mobilizer Trustees (teachers)

Recruit local construction experts and provide the following training: 1) Reviving Home concept, 2) OPAC program, and 3) certification as Construction Expert Trustees.

Community Mobilizers (teachers) help to build trust and guarantee the long-term success of the school.

Using the Reviving Home Platform to crowdfund, organize and build schools.

Provide an Internet-connected tablet/laptop which will be used in the classroom or as needed outside the classroom.

Working with the Community Mobilizers to determine the needs of the students and begin developing the curriculum.

What makes COH by Reviving Home Unique?

  • Innovative, efficient, effective solutions.
  • Reach extends to displaced children anywhere in the world.
  • Online training for our easy-to-learn Learning Management System (LMS).
  • Open up the opportunities for all International NGOs to help.
  • Transparency. We use the power of communication and technology to let every donor and volunteer reach local communities to transparently track the progress, and expenses.
  • Sustainable models help parents and teachers to gain regular money to live (Creating Jobs)

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