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Germany Assist

Germany Assist Is a community that aims to provide consultation and support for those who wish to study or work in Germany, particularly for people from conflict areas and those affected by war and crisis. The community is a joint initiative of HS Education, Reviving Home, and the Open Door, with the goal of preventing illegal immigration and supporting local education to help revive communities affected by war and crisis. The community aims to provide information and guidance to potential immigrants to Germany to study and work, to help them determine if Germany is an appropriate destination and to assist with bureaucratic matters that may prevent them from working in that direction.

One of the problems that Germany-assist.de aims to address is the exploitation of people affected by war and crisis who are looking for ways to leave their home country, and the lack of professional advisory bodies to help provide legal and safe immigration advice. This has led many to resort to illegal methods and become prey to human traffickers and brokers, resulting in tragic consequences. The community also aims to address the issue of brain drain, where young graduates do not find hope in their future in their home country and see immigration as their only option, which hurts the country's efforts to revive its economy and infrastructure.

The solution that Germany-assist.de offers is an integrated process of organizing legal and safe immigration for work and education, with a focus on supporting local education and creating job opportunities. The community aims to unite the efforts of people from different backgrounds who have gained experiences that can guide and advise newcomers, to provide a solution that helps communities affected by war and crisis to revive their economies and infrastructure through job creation and education.

The mission of Germany-assist.de is to provide support and consultation to those who want to study or work legally and safely in Germany, while also helping to prevent illegal immigration from conflict areas and communities affected by war and crisis. The vision of the community is to help revive communities affected by war and crisis through supporting local education and creating job opportunities. The values of the community include collaboration, transparency, and integrity.

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