
Re-build your future 

About HS.education

Derasati (Study abroad)

Loghati (Study language)

Wazefati (Work abroad)

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Re-build your future through education!

HS.education Local programs 

The OPAC (One Project Away Challenge)

is a training program that aims to graduate local entrepreneurs and actors in war-torn cities, providing them with the necessary skills to create job opportunities. The program relies on theoretical and practical training, and success is measured through the First Project Pass Challenge.

Candles Of Hope 

a collaboration between HS.education and Reviving Home, is dedicated to building schools and managing education in remote areas of war-torn and disaster-stricken countries. With cutting-edge online education management tools and systems, we ensure that the educational process is not interrupted and that students receive a quality education. HS.education also monitors the progress of the educational process and develops appropriate solutions to support the program.

Cloudydes Hub 

Cloudydes Hub for Social Entrepreneurship aims to empower young people and talents in war-torn and disaster-affected countries with the training and qualifications needed to become entrepreneurs and revitalize their societies. The Business Lab provides access to the latest online applications and tools to help entrepreneurs run successful businesses online.

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